SUP EPS 9’10” x 31.0″ x 4.75″ Wave Rider 波乗り用

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SUP EPS 9’10” x 31.0″ x 4.75″ Wave Rider 波乗り用

Category : BUY SUP


最新テクノロジーの EPSボード(EPSフォーム+エポキシ樹脂のボード)で、軽量化されたボードです。
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No Compromise SUP Wave Board – Shorter and wider with the same volume as a longer, traditional shape for exceptional maneuverability in waves.
Perfect for accomplished SUP Wave Riders in all wave conditions.
This board was designed based on Bic C-TEC Wave Pro. But makes nose form a little bit more round so that it has more stability. If you are a beginner, 11’0″ is recommended.
Deck Pad comes with it.

こちらはBicのC-TEC Wave Proをベースにシェープされました。そしてノーズに安定感を持たせるために、Bic Wave Proよりラウンド系にした、エポキシ仕上げの軽量SUPで、マニューバーに優れた波乗り用です。Bic Wave Proにない、デッキパッドも標準装備。初心者の方は安定感のある11’0″がお勧めです。

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SUP 9’10” x 31.0″ x 4.75″

SUP Bamboo Okinawa Brand Wave Rider
9’10” x 31.0″ x 4.75″

EPS core with single wood stringer
6oz+bamboo+4oz on top
6oz+bamboo+4oz at bottom
Epoxy Resin
Carry Handle
Air vent
Deck Pad

Price 120,000 plus Tax.

Before you come, please call us, because we are there irregularly.
Phone: 080-4099-1935(Both English and Japanese)

Shop Location: 3, Maeda, Onnason, Okinawa.
Nearby Maeda Point(Cape Maeda)



