Ikei 6-7 Foot! 伊計島オーバーヘッド
Category : 今日の沖縄サーフィン波情報 Okinawa Wave Report
This morning, I was believing that it would be good waves today, so I left home around 5:30 before sunrise, not checking the webcamera. By the time when I got to Miyagi island, Sun was rising and could see if there were waves. Unfortunately I could not see any swell in Miyagi island, got dissapointed a little bit and decided to go and see Ikei island.
When I got to Ikei, there were already more than 10 cars parked there. I paddled out to the outside, there were many American surfers, some of them were I knew. They seemed so happy with good waves, already made some good waves. Waves were ver good, 6-7 foot swell was coming. But only thing I did not like was that they were waves for goofy footer. But anyway it was wonderful morning today to surf at Ikei island point. I think tomorrow morning too, you can expect good waves out there.